Saturday, November 27, 2010

5 cha ching.

Bought this bad boy today.

Sometimes when your car gets totaled that's okay too.

My life points bank account: Net Worth may be back in the positive numbers...

Name suggestions?


  1. Cutest Car! Yes, you bought it, and I drive it! A pretty good deal for me! Miss you Danielle!

  2. Foxy is fitting...that is one sexy car. I can't wait till you have it...and I get the totaled one! bahahah

  3. I don't know why this name came up in my head but I was thinking "Gloria." Yes, No??? Guess you heard what I did, got me a new car, too. I got the bug,not really. However, I did want to get in on a good deal and it seemed like the time to do it. I'm in a RED one--CR-V, and I like it a lot and it is 1000% better than what I had been driving! Even though Ole Bessy gave me many, many years of good service!

  4. How about "Black Mamba" or maybe "Tweety" or "Baby" or "Blinky" or "Blinkster" or o.k. that's enough!



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