Thursday, September 30, 2010

7 sweeper

P.S. i need a GC date for saturday afternoon. rach wanted to set me up so i'm not the awkward single lonely loser girl.
"sure!" i say, "i love new friends!"
"no, danielle. a date. with a dude. a boy-dude."

she even had me fb them so i could approve.
his head's too small.
is it just me or is one of his eyebrows higher than the other?
i'm sorry, i just can't get over how his left thumb is crooked.

ugh, you'd think she'd be discouraged by now because every time she mentions my dates, i make some sort of grotesque noise.

however, she refuses to give up on me. i wish she just would.

my new nickname's 'sweeper.' my mom says if i stop sweeping maybe i'll find a boy.

throw ya hands in the air if you just don't care.


  1. I can think or 3 or 4 GREAT guys for you right now! Just call me and I'll hook you up! :)))))))) Time to turn off the "sweeper" and turn on the "vacuum"! hahaha!

  2. Kari, that was just a hilarious comment! Enjoyed your post, too, Danielle. My vacuum isn't working anymore but yours, Danielle, is in just prime perfect condition!

  3. haha it's good that you're picky..
    it's hard to tell by just a picture!
    BUT, like everyone else says, when you meet that one you'll KNOW.
    no need to rush :)
    forever is a long time you know.. haha.
    single never comes around again.

  4. yep, both my hands are in the air.

  5. bahahah vacuum...that sucks.

    I don't think the crooked thumb is really too big of an issue.

  6. Rachel! The crooked thumb is a big see if this goes anywhere she will have to hold his hand and every time she holds his hand she will be weirded out by that crooked thumb.



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