Tuesday, February 03, 2009

1 Plaza de Armas a noche: Perú Entry 5.

ok ok. So Ash & I had to go to a Peru meeting a couple of weeks ago to talk to some people who are going to Peru this summer. Our biggest piece of advice: Take in the culture. Don't just go to the orphanage everyday; go to the clubs at night, go to the markets on the weekend, do it all. We went to the Plaza de Armas almost every single night. The only thing that ever stopped us was if we were absolutely exhausted. Because Corpus Christi & Inti Raymi (2 major celebrations in Cusco) were held while we were there, we met some of the coolest people from all over the world who had come to the festivals. It was great! I became a lot more open minded to other cultures & every night was fun!

entering the Plaza

Ash & her favorite friend
this was our favorite club

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you threw a salespitch! That's so fun! I bet the soaked up every bit of advice ya'll gave!



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