Sunday, November 24, 2013

3 Tried & True

I'm really impressing myself with how much I've cooked the last few days.
Tonight we made Zucchini "Pasta" with Avocado Cream Sauce found here.
Hands down, new favorite dinner. Literally took 5 minutes to make and I was inhaling it. So glad we didn't have guests over because they would've thought I was a real oinker.

Who in the world knew about a julienne peeler and has never told me? Because, I'm mad at you.

I was seeing zucchini pasta recipes and wondering how they got their zucchini so noodley looking.... Uhhh, well derrrr.

When I found out they made julienne peelers, we ran to BB&B that night and bought one (you can buy it on Amazon too, here). I am replacing any pasta dish I've ever made in my life with zucchini pasta and I might start a zucchini farm tomorrow. The possibilities are endless.

4 small (or 2 large) zucchinis trimmed with a julienne peeler
2 avocados
Juice of ½ a lemon
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons almond or coconut milk
About 8 leaves of basil
Salt & Pepper
Cherry Tomatoes

Place zucchini spirals in a large bowl.
In a food processor, combine the remaining ingredients and process until smooth.
Toss the zucchini with the avocado sauce until fully coated.
Garnish with cherry tomatoes and basil leaves, season with more salt & pepper to taste.



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