Sunday, February 26, 2012

4 Happy Sunday!

And it's a happy Sunday, indeed. Today I got to babysit a duck while his owner was in an interview. I didn't catch duck's name, but there was no doubt I loved him. Duck sitting is a new hobby.

A thought for today that I think is just lovely.

Love that Maya lady.
I had to memorize a poem of hers in high school. I don't remember which poem it was, so clearly, I don't remember the words of the poem, but it was lovely as well. I remember that.


  1. This is my all time favorite quote but I never knew who it was by! Thanks for posting it!

  2. You will love this... after I read this post, I totally had a dream about a duck last night. Except it was a killer duck that was out to get me, so really it was a nightmare. Just thought I would share because it made me laugh a lot haha.

  3. the post above! Can't tell if that's Brooke Webber/new name-but if so a BIG congrats again on your marriage! Also, Danielle-I just saw this duck post and it totally cracked me up!!! HIlarious and RANDOM! xoxoxox

  4. Your Mom and I think alike sometimes and I thought the very same thing! What a fun RANDOM event and picture, Danielle! Looks like you were enjoying babysitting a DUCK! Totally off the wall RANDOM and funny!



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