Thursday, December 02, 2010

2 Spanks!

Went home for Thankfulgiving! I don't normally take pictures of unmade beds, but after a long week, this was the most heavenly sight. A million pillows and a billion thread count sheets.
My mom's turkey sign. "Help me." bahah.

We put the kids' table in the front entry way.
Spence meister after church.
Oop! There's that new car of mine. She is still chilling happily in my Tennessee driveway. Two thumbs up for unsmashed cars.
Thanksgiving was perfect. I did absolutely nothing. I didn't open my planner. I didn't create a lesson plan. I didn't call parents. I didn't correct quizzes. I didn't lose sleep over a child. I didn't check my school email. I didn't enter scores. I didn't create centers. I chilled harder than you've ever seen someone chill in your life. I recommend this.


  1. haha, loved the "two thumbs up" comment. :)

  2. Glad you felt like you could rest from your labors, Danielle! We sure enjoyed having you home & within hugging & kissing distance! You come back now!



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