Wednesday, October 14, 2009

3 this has a point, i swear.

I have been craving this for three days.
I mean, last night it got a little ridiculous.
And when I say "last night" i mean 3 in the morning, when I was still awake, just laughing at my life & the funny turns it takes.
Back to the Strombolli. "What's Strombolli?" you might ask.
Strombolli is that delicious goodness pictured above.
The recipe's on my recipe blog here.
Which you might wanna look at todos los dias because the stuff on there is SO FREAKING GOOD. And it's divided by categories on the right side.
I don't wanna toot my horn about my recipe blog, but it is kind of amazing, so toot toot.
Just another thing about my laughy-ness last night. Smellies & I were looking at my recipe blog & I kept saying, "Do you know what sounds SO good right now?" and literally listing off each recipe from my blog in sequential order. Smellers caught on to this pattern & called me out on it. Holy 3am munchies. We laughed much too hard, for 'twas not even that funny. Ohhh, 3am funnies & yummies.
Speaking of YUMMIES
What happens when you & your roommates all show up to church resembling hamburger condiments?
Introducing: Ketchup, Mustard, Relish & Salt-Pepper
So, if you were all my students right now & had to summarize everything I just wrote, could you?
Rhetorical question.


  1. the other day when i was so bored at work that i went through your entire recipe blog, the strombolli was the recipe i was most excited to try. now seeing it on here makes me want to make it even more!!! YUMMY

  2. You're funny Danielle...I did notice, when I was stalking you...that you were up mighty late...hope you sleep tonight!!! xoxox p.s. cravings=naughty

  3. I loved this! and stromboli sounds good. yummy



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