Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 dani marie

I am… independent. Sometimes too independent. Curious. Sometimes too curious. I think... nonstop. That’s why it takes me 2 hours to fall asleep every night. I want... to be a soccer mom. I have... killer friends. So lucky. I wish... on shooting stars. I hate... getting screwed over or feeling used. I miss... my sweet sweet little orphan boys in Peru with all of my heart & my boo. I fear... blood. bugs. Slimy things. I’m a total girl. I feel... like a hot babe. I hear... laughing. Im obsessed… with working out. I hope for... a puppy!!! I search... the scriptures! yeah go BOM! I wonder... what I’ll be doing in 5 years. I regret... not saying something. I love... my family, friends, MISSIONARIES, tennessee, babies, life. I hate... when people rationalize their actions. uggh biggest pet peeve! I care... about making people feel good & truly want the best for everyone I meet. I always... forgive people. I have actually tried to hold a grudge, it doesn't work. I am not... a trashy tramp HA. I believe... everyone deserves a second chance. I know... I'm not always going to have a second chance. I dance... with my friends, on stages, in clubs, drop it like it’s hot. I sing... while people talk to me. I know, I know, it’s a really bad habit, I just never stop singing. I don't... like when people are not loyal or lie to me. I write… in my journal at least once a week. That’s pretty good right? I win... the lottery once a month. That’s a lie. But I always win heads -up-7-up, but that's just because i cheat. I never... yell. I can usually be found... with people that I la la la love. I am happy about... my choices!



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