Monday, April 01, 2013

3 Spring Break: Day Uno

This will be one of a series of many posts to come. We made it to Tennessee for spring break!
Sean works a double shift on Sundays. After he got off work Sunday night, we drove to the airport for our 1am flight to Nashville. Poooor guy!
We arrived in Atlanta at 6am and finally made it to Tennessee at 8am. We were tired. Lots of sleeping on the plane.

But, as you can see, I still managed to look super attractive while traveling through the night on an hour of sleep....

Pancake Pantry for breakfast. Nom.

Oh, and then we went to go look at puppies. This is my mom's new puppy that we get to pick up on Friday. I'm freaking out a little. It made Sean and I puppy hungry and we decided to get a new dog for his dog Ani, who he thinks is his daughter. 
Love that little face! Naming her is so hard mostly because none of us can take it seriously enough (examples of names we thought of: Wookie, Chuey, Panda, Rooster, etc.) but we don't want to be totally rude to her! Suggestions are allowed.

Don't worry. Pics will be blowing up this place the next few days.

Whoever invented spring break is going straight to heaven.


  1. Woo woo! Girl's home town date week! Can't wait for the explosion of pictures!

  2. Nice to hear that you are in heaven, right here in little ole Tennessee! Good to have you home, Danielle! Enjoying getting to know Sean, too!

  3. hahaha Al, you're amazing. I love these pics! Wishing we were there toooo!



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