Friday, April 19, 2013

3 Happy Birthday Lover Boy!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Are we obsessed with that cute face or what??

Top 10 reasons he's my main squeeze:
10. Sean is the best uncle/son/brother. He is good to his family. They love him. My family loves him. He's good to my family. It's just all worked out very nicely, I'd say.
9. Sean is 110% boy. He likes bugs and snakes and hiking and catching things and dirt and camping and scorpions. He eats ginger root out of the ground. He eats bugs. He drinks water that has not been purified in Hawaii. I don't understand but I still like him for it.
8. Sean is my google search engine. I swear on my life I can ask him anything about anything and he already knows the answer. It's so freaky cool and so handy for me. One time he asked me why I don't look some of these things up but he's faster than google fiber and it's just easier.
7. He's so on top of things. If he sets his mind to something, it gets done. I'll randomly ask him if he was ever able to do this or that and he's already done it all.
6. Sean is very accepting of others. He's not gossipy or critical. I never hear him speak poorly of other people, he gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and he's always looking for the good.
5. He is so funny. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are a little shocking but, I just have to act like he's taken something too far because I'm almost positive that's my job. But I still think it's all funny. And house hunting with him was hilarious. (and PS, Sean- House #5 is absolutely not happening. xoxo, love you)
4. Sean is spontaneous and fun. It is always an adventure. He even has strep throat right now but wanted to go skateboarding for his birthday. I tried so hard guys. I am not good at skateboarding.
3. Sean is crazy smart. I don't want to embarrass him, but, he just is.
2. He's easy to be around. Seriously, this is big for me. A lot of boys get on my nerves or thought they were cooler than they actually were. I love being with Sean. He's laid back and funny and I don't feel the urge to ever dump him. Ever.
1. Sean has put me first since day one. He has the world's biggest heart. He takes care of me when i'm sick, he calls me on his breaks, before we hang up the phone at night he asks if I need anything, he is always making sure I'm okay and even if he's really tired after work he'll still come over to say goodnight and scratch my back. But even more importantly, he takes care of and treats everyone he meets with love and respect.

Happy birthday love! Blessed to have you!


  1. Sean is such a good egg. I am so excited to have a cool fun brother-in-law. Even if he does unsanitary things and gets parasites.
    He rocks. Happy birthday, Sean!

  2. I lOVE this! Love Sean too and Amen to it all!

  3. Such a sweet, sweet tribute to your one true love! How could he not have loved this, too! Sean you are so special to us already! Happy Belated Birthday!



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